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1. Relate
throw aside کنار انداختن a. Anna casually discarded one boyfriend after another. b. Confident that he held a winning hand, Slim refused to discard anything. c. Asked why he had discarded his family traditions, Mr. Menzel remained mute.
tell; give an account of; connect in thought or meaning گفتن ، شرح دادن ، از نظر معنایی یا فکری ربط دادن a. The traveler related his adventures with some exaggeration. b. After viewing the cinema's latest show, the observant student was able to relate every detail. c. Would you say that misfortune is related to carelessness?
a scheme for distributing prizes by lot or chance طرحی برای توزیع جایزه از طریق بخت آزمایی یا شانس a. The merit of a lottery is that everyone has an equal chance. b. We thought that a lottery was an absurd way of deciding who should be the team captain. c. The rash young man claimed the lottery prize only to find he had misread his number.
raise; lift up بالا بردن ، بلند کردن a. Private Carbo was elevated to higher rank for his valor. b. Reading a variety of good books elevates the mind. c. The candidate spoke from an elevated platform.
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