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1. Miserly
upset; cause to break down به هم زدن ، مختل کردن a. Pam's clowning disrupted the class every day. b. The storm disrupted the telephone lines throughout the area. c. The collapse of the government disrupted the services we took for granted, such as mail delivery.
join together; become one به هم پیوستن ، یکی شدن ، متحد شدن a. The thirteen colonies united to form one country. b. Matrimony united two famous Virginia families. c. America and Russia were united against a common enemy in World War 11.
empty completely; use up; tire out کاملاً تمام کردن ، کاملاً استفاده کردن ، خسته کردن a. To exhaust the city's water supply would be a calamity b. The long climb to the top of the mountain exhausted our strength. c. It we continue to squander our money recklessly, our treasury will soon be exhausted.
stingy; like a miser خسیس ، خسیس وار a. Being miserly with our natural resources will help us to live longer on this earth. b. A miserly person rarely has any friends. c. Silas Marner abandoned his miserly habits when Eppie came into his life.
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