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1. Despite
empty completely; use up; tire out کاملاً تمام کردن ، کاملاً استفاده کردن ، خسته کردن a. To exhaust the city's water supply would be a calamity b. The long climb to the top of the mountain exhausted our strength. c. It we continue to squander our money recklessly, our treasury will soon be exhausted.
a breaking out with many small red spots on the skin; outbreak of many instances within a short time too hasty or careless شیوع موارد زیاد در زمانی کوتاه ، بسیار شتاب زده یا بی دقت ، کهیر ، جوش a. The report of a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood was exaggerated. b. Poison ivy causes a rash. c. It is rash to threaten an action you cannot carry out.
stingy; like a miser خسیس ، خسیس وار a. Being miserly with our natural resources will help us to live longer on this earth. b. A miserly person rarely has any friends. c. Silas Marner abandoned his miserly habits when Eppie came into his life.
in spite of با وجود ، علیرغم a. The player continued in the game despite his injuries. b. Despite his size, Ted put up a good fight. c. We won the game by a shutout despite the fact that our team got only three hits.
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