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1. Thrifty
weak ضعیف a. We heard a feeble cry from the exhausted child. b. The guide made a feeble attempt to explain why he had taken the wrong turn. c. The feeble old man collapsed on the sidewalk.
stingy; like a miser خسیس ، خسیس وار a. Being miserly with our natural resources will help us to live longer on this earth. b. A miserly person rarely has any friends. c. Silas Marner abandoned his miserly habits when Eppie came into his life.
saving; careful in spending; thriving صرفه جو ، دقیق در خرج a. By being thrifty, Miss Benson managed to get along on her small income. b. A thrifty person knows that squandering money can lead to financial calamity. c. By thrifty use of their supplies, the shipwrecked sailors were able to survive for weeks.
king or queen; ruler شاه یا ملکه ، پادشاه ، حاکم ، فرمانروا a. There are few modern nations which are governed by monarchs. b. The monarchs of ancient Rome considered themselves descendants of the gods. c. Men sometimes believe that they are monarchs in their own homes.
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