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1. Disrupt
weak ضعیف a. We heard a feeble cry from the exhausted child. b. The guide made a feeble attempt to explain why he had taken the wrong turn. c. The feeble old man collapsed on the sidewalk.
very quick; swift بسیار سریع ، تند a. We took a rapid walk around the camp before breakfast. b. If you work rapidly ,you can complete the test in twenty minutes. c. The response to the surprise attack was a rapid retreat.
upset; cause to break down به هم زدن ، مختل کردن a. Pam's clowning disrupted the class every day. b. The storm disrupted the telephone lines throughout the area. c. The collapse of the government disrupted the services we took for granted, such as mail delivery.
join together; become one به هم پیوستن ، یکی شدن ، متحد شدن a. The thirteen colonies united to form one country. b. Matrimony united two famous Virginia families. c. America and Russia were united against a common enemy in World War 11.
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