Written questions
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    1. – to cover something else; to make it impossible to see, smell, hear, or perceive something else * Yu-Lin tried to use makeup _______ her acne.

    2. to be exchanged with something else; to be mistaken for something else * Would you please switch seats with me? I am too short to see the stage from here.

    3. – exactly; very accurately * The earthquake happened at _______ 3:48 p.m. yesterday.

    4. وزن زیاد– very large; very big and heavy * The interviewers sat behind a _______ marble desk as each applicant entered the room to be interviewed.

    5. to be incorrect; to make an error; to be wrong, usually on a test * How many questions did you miss on the final exam?

    6. – outlook; perspective; how one views the world and reacts to it  * Miranda’s _______ about her work and her life has gotten a lot worse. Do you think she’s depressed? 

    7. – a piece of paper that a doctor uses to write the type of medicine or glasses that a patient needs * After I left the doctor’s office, I took my _______ to the drugstore so that I could get my medication. نسخه"

    8. _______ پس از آن before whichقبل از آن at whichکه در آن

    9. – very small; extremely tiny * This _______ pill is extremely powerful. Be careful to only take one within 12 hours.

    10. more likely now than anytime before; more probable than before * Harold’s boss yelled at him yesterday in front of all of the other employees, and now it’s _______ that he’ll quit his job. محتمل تر از همیشه