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1. Vertical
name as a candidate for office; appoint to an office به عنوان نامزد یا منصب مشخص کردن ، برای پست دفتری منصوب کردن a. Three times Bryant was nominated for office but he was never elected. b. The President nominated him for Secretary of State. c. Though Danny was nominated last, he emerged as the strongest candidate.
straight up and down with reference to the horizon, for example, a vertical line مستقیم از بالا و پایین مثلاً خط عمودی a. It wasn't easy to get the drunken man into a vertical position. b. The way to vote for your candidate is to pull the lever from the horizontal position to the vertical position. c. A circle surrounding a vertical line that ends in an inverted V is the well-known peace symbol.
restore to good condition; make over in a new form; restore to former standing, rank, reputation, etc. به وضعیتی خوب باز گرداندن ، با جایگاه مقام یا شهرت قبلی برگرداندن a. The old house was rehabilitated at enormous expense. b. The former criminal completely rehabilitated himself and was respected by all. c. This wing of the house must be rehabilitated promptly, as there is a danger, it will collapse.
word of honor; conditional freedom; to free (a prisoner) under certain conditions قول شرف ، آزادی مشروط ، ( یک زندانی ) را تحت شرایط خاصی آزاد کردن a. The judge paroled the juvenile offenders on condition that they report to him every three months. b. Since the prisoner has been rehabilitated, his family is exploring the possibility of having him paroled. c. The fugitive gave his parole not to try to escape again.
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