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1. Complacent
an insect with a slender body and powerful sting حشره ای با بدنی باریک و کشیده و نیشی قوی a. When the wasps descended on the picnic, we ran in all directions. b. A swarm of wasps attacked us as we were reclining on the porch. c. The piercing sting of a wasp can be very painful.
possibility as opposed to actuality; capability of coming into being or action; possible as opposed to actual; capable of coming into being or action امکان در برابر واقعیت ، توان به وجود آوردن یا موثر واقع شدن a. Mark has the potential of being completely rehabilitated. b. The coach felt his team had the potential to reach the finals. c. Destroying nuclear weapons reduces a potential threat to human survival.
pleased with oneself; self-satisfied از خود راضی a. Senator Troy denounced the complacent attitude of the polluters of our air. b. How can you be complacent about such a menace? c. I was surprised that Martin was so complacent about his brief part in the play.
restore to good condition; make over in a new form; restore to former standing, rank, reputation, etc. به وضعیتی خوب باز گرداندن ، با جایگاه مقام یا شهرت قبلی برگرداندن a. The old house was rehabilitated at enormous expense. b. The former criminal completely rehabilitated himself and was respected by all. c. This wing of the house must be rehabilitated promptly, as there is a danger, it will collapse.
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