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1. Multitude
name as a candidate for office; appoint to an office به عنوان نامزد یا منصب مشخص کردن ، برای پست دفتری منصوب کردن a. Three times Bryant was nominated for office but he was never elected. b. The President nominated him for Secretary of State. c. Though Danny was nominated last, he emerged as the strongest candidate.
an insect with a slender body and powerful sting حشره ای با بدنی باریک و کشیده و نیشی قوی a. When the wasps descended on the picnic, we ran in all directions. b. A swarm of wasps attacked us as we were reclining on the porch. c. The piercing sting of a wasp can be very painful.
a great number; a crowd تعداد زیاد ، یک جماعت a. A multitude of letters kept pouring in to the movie idol. b. The fleeing culprit was pursued by a fierce multitude. c. Flood victims were aided by a multitude of volunteers.
pleased with oneself; self-satisfied از خود راضی a. Senator Troy denounced the complacent attitude of the polluters of our air. b. How can you be complacent about such a menace? c. I was surprised that Martin was so complacent about his brief part in the play.
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