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1. Pacify
make calm; quiet down; bring peace to آرام کردن ، ساکت کردن a. This toy should pacify that screaming baby. b. We tried to pacify the woman who was angry at having to wait so long in line. c. Soldiers were sent to pacify the countryside.
a person who shows the way; to direct; to manage کسی که راه را نشان می دهد ، هدایت کردن ، اداره کردن a. Tourists often hire guides. b. The Indian guided the hunters through the forest. c. Use the suggestions in the handbook as a study guide.
a daring undertaking; an attempt to make money by making business risks; to dare; to expose to risk جرات کردن ، در معرض خطر قرار دادن a. Ulysses was a man who would not reject any venture, no matter how dangerous. b. John Jacob Astor made his fortune by a lucky venture in animal furs. c. Medics venture their lives to save wounded soldiers.
answer; react پاسخ دادن ، واکنش نشان دادن a. Greg responded quickly to the question. b. My dog responds to every command I give him. c. Mrs. Cole responded to the medicine so well that she was better in two days.
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