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1. Symbol
something that stands for or represents something else چیزی که نشانه یا نماینده ی چیز دیگری است a. The statue outside the court building is considered a symbol of justice. b. Symbols for God are prohibited in the Jewish religion. c. An olive branch is a symbol of peace.
on neither side of a quarrel or war بیطرف ، خنثی a. It is logical to remain neutral in a violent argument between spouses. b. Switzerland was a neutral country in World War 11. c. Adolph did not reject the idea but remained neutral about it.
dislike very much; hate متنفر بودن از ، تنفر داشتن از a. The world detests people who aren't valiant. b. Wally was certain that his girlfriend's parents would detest him because he had been a delinquent. c. I detest Chinese food but I won't deprive you of the chance to eat it.
a small amount; little bit; something of little value مقدار کم ، کمی ، چیز کم ارزش a. I ate a trifle for dinner rather than a vast meal. b. Waiter spends only a trifle of his time in studying French. c. At our meetings Alex always raises trifling objections to any new plan.
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