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1. Vermin
show scorn or contempt by looks or words; a scornful look or remark با نگاه یا حرف تمسخر و تحقیر نشان دادن ، نگاه یا حرف تمسخر آمیز a. The journalists were cautious about sneering at the Secretary of Defense. b. "Wipe that sneer off your face!" the dean told the delinquent. c. When offered a dime as a tip, the taxi driver sneered at his rider.
the right to command or enforce obedience; power delegated to another; an author or volume that may be appealed to in support of an action or belief حق تحکم یا اعمال اطاعت ، قدرتی که به دیگری واگذار می شود ، مولف یا کتابی که می توان در تایید یا یک عمل یا باور به آن استناد کرد ، اقتدار a. No one should have the authority to dictate our career choice. b. Today a monarch does not have the authority he once enjoyed. c. The Supreme Court is entrusted with the authority to interpret our Constitution.
savage; wild وحشی ، خشن a. Barry was so fiercely angry that he thrust his hand through the glass. b. One must take appropriate precautions when approaching fierce dogs. c. He took one look at his fierce opponent and ran.
small animals that are troublesome or destructive; fleas, bedbugs, lice, rats, and mice are vermin حیوانات کوچکی که مزاحم یا مخرب هستند ، کک ، ساس ، شپش ، موش صحرایی و موش ، حیوانات موذی هستند a. One should try to eliminate all vermin from his or her house. b. Some reptiles eat vermin as their food. c. Although vermin are not always visible, they probably inhabit every house in the city.
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