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1. Detest
the right to command or enforce obedience; power delegated to another; an author or volume that may be appealed to in support of an action or belief حق تحکم یا اعمال اطاعت ، قدرتی که به دیگری واگذار می شود ، مولف یا کتابی که می توان در تایید یا یک عمل یا باور به آن استناد کرد ، اقتدار a. No one should have the authority to dictate our career choice. b. Today a monarch does not have the authority he once enjoyed. c. The Supreme Court is entrusted with the authority to interpret our Constitution.
give courage to; increase the confidence of جرات دادن به ، اعتماد را افزایش دادن a. We encouraged the coach to devise a plan for beating Jefferson High. b. Some unstable persons need to be encouraged to find a vocation. c. A valiant person rarely needs to be encouraged.
look angry by lowering the eyebrows; frown با پایین آوردن ابرو عصبانی به نظر رسیدن ، اخم کردن a. Laverne scowled at her mother when she was prohibited from going out. b. I dread seeing my father scowl when he gets my report card. c. Because of a defect in her vision, it always appeared that Polly was scowling.
dislike very much; hate متنفر بودن از ، تنفر داشتن از a. The world detests people who aren't valiant. b. Wally was certain that his girlfriend's parents would detest him because he had been a delinquent. c. I detest Chinese food but I won't deprive you of the chance to eat it.
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