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1. Detour
a roundabout way یک مسیر انحرافی a. Pop was uneasy about taking the detour in this strange town. b. In order to evade city traffic, Anthony took a detour. c. The detour took us ten miles off our course.
goodness; worth; value خوبی ، ارزش a. There is little merit in lying to those you love. b. My brother was promoted because of merit, not because of friendship. c. Do you think the tradition of marriage has any merit?
come together with force با نیرو به هم خوردن a. When the two autos collided, the people in the fragile smaller car perished. b. Committees are exploring ways of keeping cars from colliding. c. In my estimate the two bicycles collided at five o'clock.
be too hard to understand or solve درک یا حل آن بسیار دشوار است ، مبهوت کردن a. How so mediocre a player earned so much money baffled me. b. The topic of relativity is a baffling one. c. Sherlock Holmes would undoubtedly have been baffled by the way the crime was committed.
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