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1. Urban
set on fire مشتعل کردن a. Spark plugs ignite in an automobile engine. b. One match can ignite an entire forest. c. A careless remark helped to ignite the conflict between the brothers and the sisters.
make or become less کاهش دادن یا کاهش یافتن a. As he kept spending money, the amount he had saved decreased. b. In order to improve business, the store owner decreased his prices. c. The landlord promised to decrease our rent.
free in expressing one's real thoughts, opinions, or feelings; not hiding what is in one's mind در بیان اندیشه ها ، عقاید و احساسات واقعی آزاد است ، آنچه در ذهن است پنهان نمی کند ، رک a. Never underestimate the value of being frank with one another. b. Eretha was completely frank when she told her friend about the sale. c. People liked Duffy because they knew he would be frank with them.
of or having to do with cities or towns از شهر یا مربوط به شهر a. Many businesses open offices in urban areas. b. I plan to exchange my urban location for a rural one. c. Only a small minority of the people of the United States live far from any urban area.
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