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1. Resent
agree; give permission or approval موافقت کردن ، اجازه یا رضایت دادن a. My teacher consented to let our class leave early. b. David would not consent to our plan. c. The majority of our club members consented to raise the dues.
put off to a later time; delay به زمان دیگری موکول کردن ، به تاخیر انداختن ، به تعویق انداختن a. The young couple wanted to postpone their wedding until they were sure they could handle the burdens of marriage. b. I neglected to postpone the party because I thought everyone would be able to come. c. The supermarket's owner planned to postpone the grand opening until Saturday.
feel injured and angered at (something) از چیزی احساس آزردگی خاطر یا عصبانیت کردن a. Bertha resented the way her boyfriend treated her. b. The earthquake victim resented the poor emergency care. c. Columbus resented the fact that his crew wanted to turn back.
having no like or equal; being the only one of its kind برابر یا شبیه ندارد ، در نوع خود تک است ، منحصر به فرد ، بی همتا a. Going to Africa was a unique experience for us. b. The inventor developed a unique method of making ice cream. c. Albie has a unique collection of Israeli stamps.
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