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    1. – the boundaries or the outside limit of something * The wide _______ of power he has in this company allows him to make decisions at all levels of management.

    2. – a phrase used to mean that it is too late to ask for something now; you should have asked for it earlier * The time to ask for a day off this week was last week when I was making up the schedule.

    3. – to take the blame for something * Even though all four of the kids were responsible for breaking the window, Lionel took the heat.

    4. – a phrase used when someone expect one thing but gets something else; to wonder about something that is mysterious or unclear and then to find out what it is * We thought that there was a dangerous animal trapped under the car, but it _______ a cat.

    5. – to delay; to reschedule for a later time * She’s too busy right now to take time off from work, so we decided _______ our vacation from August to September.