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1. Drought
accept and follow out; remain faithful to; dwell; endure پذیرفتن و دنبال کردن ، وفادار ماندن به ، اقامت داشتن ، تحمل کردن a. The team decided unanimously to abide by the captain's ruling. b. Senator Ervin abided by his promise not to allow demonstrations in the committee room. c. My mother cannot abide dirt and vermin.
long period of dry weather; lack of rain; lack of water; dryness دوره ی طولانی هوای خشک ، نبود باران ، نبود آب ، خشکسالی a. Because of the drought, some farmers began to migrate to more fertile regions. b. In time of drought, the crops become scorched. c. As the drought wore on, people began to grumble against those who had squandered water when it was more plentiful.
give careful attention to; take notice of; careful attention به دقت توجه کردن ، توجه کردن به ، توجه دقیق a. I demand that you heed what I say. b. Florence pays no heed to what the signs say. c. Take heed and be on guard against those who try to deceive you.
person who betrays his or her country, a friend, duty, etc. شخصی که به کشور ، دوست و یا وظیفه اش خیانت می کند a. The patriot sneered when asked to stand on the same platform with the man who was accused of being a traitor. b. No villain is worse than a traitor who betrays his country. c. Do not call him a traitor unless you can verify the charge.
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