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1. Event
money matters; to provide money for مسائل مالی ، فراهم کردن پول برای a. The new employee boasted of his skill in finance. b. Frank circulated the rumor that his uncle would finance his way through college. c. Mrs. Giles retained a lawyer to handle her finances.
having a fixed station or lpace; standing still; not moving; not changing in size, number or activity دارای جایگها یا مکانی ثابت ، آرام ایستاده است ، بی حرکت ، از نظر اندازه ، تعداد یا فعالیت تغییر نمی کند a. A factory engine is stationary. b. The population of our town has been stationary for a decade. c. Caught in the middle of traffic, the frightened pedestrian remained stationary in the busy street.
happening; important happening; result or outcome; one item in a program of sports رخداد ، رویداد مهم ، نتیجه یا پیامد a. The greatest event in Ellie's life was winning the $50,000 lottery. b. We chose our seat carefully and then awaited the shot-put event. c. There is merit in gaining wisdom even after the event.
moving picture تصویر متحرک a. Censors have developed a rating system for the cinema. b. Today's cinema is full of homicides and violence. c. A best-seller is often the source of cinema stories.
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