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1. Vain
understand درک کردن a. If you can use a word correctly, there is a good chance that you comprehend it. b. You need not be a pauper to comprehend fully what hunger is. c. My parents say that they cannot comprehend today's music.
hard work; to work hard; move with difficulty کار سخت ، سخت کار کردن ، به سختی کار کردن a. The feeble old man toiled up the hill. b. After years of toil, scientists disclosed that they had made progress in controlling the dreaded disease. c. Despite all his toil, Fred never succeeded in reaching his goal.
make free from; freed from معاف یا آزاد کردن از ، مستثنی از a. Our school exempts bright pupils from final exams. b. School property is exempt from most taxes. c. Juvenile offenders are not exempt from punishment.
having too much pride in one's ability, looks, etc.; of no use به توانایی و چهره خود غرور زیاد ورزیدن ، بی فایده a. Josephine is quite vain about her beauty. b. To be perfectly frank, I do not see what she has to be vain about. c. Brian made numerous vain attempts to reach the doctor by telephone.
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