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1. Disaster
an exile; an outcast; a criminal; to declare unlawful تبعیدی ، مطرود ، جانی ، غیر قانونی اعلام کردن a. Congress has outlawed the sale of certain drugs. b. The best known outlaw of the American West was Jesse James. c. An animal which is cast out by the rest of the pack is known as an outlaw.
an event that causes much suffering or loss; a great misfortune واقعه ای که باعث رنج و خسارت زیادی می شود ، بدبختی زیاد a. The hurricane's violent winds brought disaster to the coastal town. b. The San Francisco earthquake and the Chicago fire are two of the greatest disasters in American history. c. The coach considered the captain's injury a disaster for the team.
uncover; make known فاش کردن ، آشکار ساختن a. The lifting of the curtain disclosed a beautiful winter scene. b. This letter discloses the source of his fortune. c. Samson, reclining in the arms of Delilah, disclosed that the secret of his strength was in his long hair.
person who tells others how they ought to behave; one who changes books, plays and other works so as to make them acceptable to the government; to make changes in شخصی که ب هدیگران می گوید که چگونه باید رفتار کنند ، کسی که کتاب ، نمایش نامه و آثار دیگر رار به گونه ای تغییر می دهد که آن ها را برای دولت حاکم قابل قبول می سازد ، تغییر ایجاد کردن a. Some governments, national and local, censor books. b. The censor felt that fiction as well as other books should receive the stamp of approval before they were put on sale. c. Any mention of the former prime minister was outlawed by the censor.
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