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1. Precaution
brave; courageous شجاع ، دلیر ، پر دل و جرات a. Robin Hood was valiant and faced his opponents without fear. b. The valiant paratroopers led the invasion. c. Grandma Joad had the ability to be valiant when the need arose.
measures taken beforehand; foresight اقدام احتیاطی ، دوراندیشی a. Detectives used precaution before entering the bomb's vicinity. b. We must take every precaution not to pollute the air. c. Before igniting the fire, the hunters took unusual precaution.
seldom; not often به ندرت ، نه زیاد a. You rarely hear adults raving about a movie they just saw. b. People are rarely frank with each other. c. I rarely attend the annual meetings of our family circle.
reasonable; reasonably expected مستدل ، معقول ، منطقی a. It is logical to spend a minimum on needless things. b. In order to keep your car running well, it is only logical that you lubricate it regularly. c. I used a logical argument to persuade Lester to leave.
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