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1. Vocation
declare punishable by law or rule; set a penalty for مجازات کردن ، تنبیه کردن a. The Detroit Lions were penalized fifteen yards for their rough play. b. We were penalized for not following tradition. c. Mrs. Robins penalized us for doing the math problem in ink.
occupation; business; profession; trade شغل ، کار ، حرفه ، کسب a. Red Smith's vocation was as a journalist for the Times. b. Hiroko's vocation turned into his life's career. c. It is difficult to pick an appropriate vocation when you are in elementary school.
admit to be true اعتراف کردن a. The experts reluctantly acknowledged that their estimate of food costs was not accurate. b. District Attorney Hogan got the man to acknowledge that he had lied in court. c. "I hate living alone," the bachelor acknowledged.
refuse to take, use, believe, consider, grant, etc. از گرفتن ، بکار بردن ، باور کردن ، بررسی کردن و اعطاء چیزی امتناع مرزیدن ، نپذیرفتن ، رد کردن a. When Sylvester tried to join the army, he was hoping the doctors would not reject him because of his eyesight. b. The reform bill was unanimously rejected by Congress. c. When his promotion was rejected by the newspaper owner, the editor was thoroughly bewildered.
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