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1. Justice
take away from by force به زور گرفتن ، محروم کردن a. The poor man was deprived of a variety of things that money could buy. b. We were deprived of a good harvest because of the lack of rain. c. Living in a rural area, Betsy was deprived of concerts and plays.
declare punishable by law or rule; set a penalty for مجازات کردن ، تنبیه کردن a. The Detroit Lions were penalized fifteen yards for their rough play. b. We were penalized for not following tradition. c. Mrs. Robins penalized us for doing the math problem in ink.
husband or wife شوهر یا زن ، همسر a. When a husband prospers in his business, his spouse benefits also. b. The woman and her spouse relieved each other throughout the night at their child's bedside. c. "May I bring my spouse to the office party?" Dorinda asked.
just conduct; fair dealing رفتار عادلانه ، برخورد منصفانه ، عدالت a. Daniel Webster abandoned any hope for justice once he saw the jury. b. Our pledge to the flag refers to "liberty and justice for all." c. The warden acknowledged that justice had not been served in my case.
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