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1. Pioneer
happening by chance; not planned or expected; not calling attention to itself تصادفاً رخ می دهد ، برنامه ریزی نشده یا غیر منتظره ، توجه را به خود جلب نمی کند a. As the villain stole the money from the blind man, he walked away in a casual manner. b. The bartender made a casual remark about the brawl in the backroom. c. Following a casual meeting on the street, the bachelor renewed his friendship with the widow.
follow; proceed along پیروی کردن ، دنبال کردن a. We pursued the bicycle thief until he vanished from our vision. b. Ernie rowed up the river, pursuing it to its source. c. The senior wanted to pursue urban affairs as his life's work.
one who goes first or prepares a way for others فردی که ابتدا می رود یا راهی را برای دیگران آماده می سازد ، پیشگام a. My grandfather was a pioneer in selling wholesale products. b. England was a pioneer in building large vessels for tourists. c. In the fourth grade I assembled a picture collection of great American pioneers.
ripe; fully grown or developed رسیده ، کاملاً رشد کرده یا تکامل یافته a. I could tell that Mitch was mature from the way he persisted in his work. b. Only through mature study habits can a person hope to gain knowledge. c. It is essential that you behave in a mature way in the business world.
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