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1. Unruly
hard to rule or control; lawless نافرمان ، غیر قانونی ، شرور a. Unruly behavior is prohibited at the pool. b. When he persisted in acting unruly, Ralph was fired from his job. c. His unruly actions were a menace to those who were trying to work.
acting or done with strong, rough force خشن ، خشونت آمیز a. Carefully, very carefully, we approached the violent man. b. Violent behavior is prohibited on school grounds. c. Vernon had a tendency to be violent when someone angered him.
person who is on the other side of a fight, game, or discussion; person fighting, struggling or speaking against another کسی که طرف دیگر جنگ ، بازی یا بحث است ، کسی که علیه شخص دیگری می جنگد ، مبارزه می کند یا حرف می زند a. The Russian chess player underestimated his opponent and lost. b. He was a bitter opponent of costly urban reform. c. Seeing his flabby opponent, Slugger was sure he would be victorious.
evil; wicked; savage پست ، بدجنس ، وحشی a. Liza was unpopular because she was vicious to people she had just met. b. The vicious editor published false stories about people he disliked. c. Mr. Voss was reluctant to talk about his vicious pit bull.
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