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1. Valid
well-known; important مشهور ، مهم a. My client is a prominent businessperson. b. Napoleon is a prominent figure in the history of France. c. Her violet eyes were the prominent feature of the model's face.
supported by facts or authority; sound; true معتبر ، درست a. The witness neglected to give valid answers to the judge's questions. b. Rita had valid reasons for denouncing her father's way of life. c. When Dave presented valid working papers, the foreman consented to hiring him immediately.
freedom from danger, care, or fear; feeling or condition of being safe عاری از خطر ، مراقبت یا ترس ، احساس یا حالت امنیت a. Our janitor likes the security of having all doors locked at night. b. When the President travels, strict security measures are taken. c. Pablo wanted to preserve the security of his life style.
make something greater than it is; overstate مبالغه کردن ، غلو کردن a. He wasn't trying to deceive you when he said that his was the best car in the world; he was just exaggerating. b. The bookkeeper exaggerated her importance to the company. c. When he said that Shaquille O'Neal was eight feet tall, he was undoubtedly exaggerating.
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