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1. Valid
supported by facts or authority; sound; true معتبر ، درست a. The witness neglected to give valid answers to the judge's questions. b. Rita had valid reasons for denouncing her father's way of life. c. When Dave presented valid working papers, the foreman consented to hiring him immediately.
person who does something for pleasure, not for money or as a profession کسی که کاری را برای لذت انجام می دهد نه برای پول یا به عنوان حرفه ، غیر حرفه ای ، آماتور a. The amateur cross-country runner wanted to be in the Olympics. b. After his song, Don was told that he wasn't good enough to be anything but an amateur. c. Professional golfers resent amateurs who think they are as good as the people who play for money.
freedom from danger, care, or fear; feeling or condition of being safe عاری از خطر ، مراقبت یا ترس ، احساس یا حالت امنیت a. Our janitor likes the security of having all doors locked at night. b. When the President travels, strict security measures are taken. c. Pablo wanted to preserve the security of his life style.
taking up much space; large فضای زیادی می گیرد ، بزرگ ، حجیم a. Charley and Morty removed the bulky package from the car. b. The massive desk was quite bulky and impossible to carry. c. His client wanted an item that wasn't so bulky, Olsen told us.
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