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1. Prominent
well-known; important مشهور ، مهم a. My client is a prominent businessperson. b. Napoleon is a prominent figure in the history of France. c. Her violet eyes were the prominent feature of the model's face.
mystrious; unearthly اسرار آمیز ، غیر دنیوی a. She looked weird with that horrible make-up on her face. b. Alien felt that weird things were starting to happen when he entered the haunted house. c. Becky had a weird feeling after swallowing the pills.
easily seen or understood; clear to the eye or mind; not to be doubted; plain به راحتی درک یا دیده می شود ، در آن تردیدی نیست ، آشکار ، واضح ، بدیهی a. It was obvious that the lumberjack was tired after his day's work. b. The fact that Darcy was a popular boy was obvious to all. c. The detective missed the clue because it was too obvious.
neither good nor bad; average; ordinary نه خوب نه بد ، متوسط ، معمولی a. After reading my composition, Mrs. Evans remarked that it was mediocre and that I could do better. b. Howard was a mediocre scientist who never made any unique discoveries. c. The movie wasn't a great one; it was only mediocre.
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