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1. Bulky
live longer than; remain alive after بقاء یافتن ، زنده ماندن ، بازماندن ، جان به در بردن a. It was uncertain whether we would survive the torrent of rain. b. Some people believe that only the strongest should survive. c. The space capsule was built to survive a long journey in space.
taking up much space; large فضای زیادی می گیرد ، بزرگ ، حجیم a. Charley and Morty removed the bulky package from the car. b. The massive desk was quite bulky and impossible to carry. c. His client wanted an item that wasn't so bulky, Olsen told us.
freedom from danger, care, or fear; feeling or condition of being safe عاری از خطر ، مراقبت یا ترس ، احساس یا حالت امنیت a. Our janitor likes the security of having all doors locked at night. b. When the President travels, strict security measures are taken. c. Pablo wanted to preserve the security of his life style.
neither good nor bad; average; ordinary نه خوب نه بد ، متوسط ، معمولی a. After reading my composition, Mrs. Evans remarked that it was mediocre and that I could do better. b. Howard was a mediocre scientist who never made any unique discoveries. c. The movie wasn't a great one; it was only mediocre.
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