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1. on (one’s) own
– to be busy doing something; to be unable to do something because one has to finish something else first * Chandy wanted to have lunch with Kevin, but she was tied up with her work and wasn’t able to meet him at the restaurant.
without other people; by oneself * Do you live on your own or do you have a roommate?
something that is added to something else to make it complete; putting things together that make each part even better * We chose to send our son to that school because its classes are complementary to what we teach him at home.
"/meat department /seafood department /frozen foods: department” is usually a store “aisle” (row) of refrigerators to keep foods cold. It offers frozen meats, frozen microwaveable meals, frozen fruits and vegetables, frozen juices, ice cream, and more. /produce department: میوه فروشی /“ethnic foods department” where shoppers can find unusual food items that are associated with a particular culture, such as Mexican,"
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