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    1. (adj.) irreligious; away from acceptable standards; speaking ill of using profane language; The upper-class parents thought that it was _______ for their son to marry a waitress. His _______ outburst was heard throughout the room.

    2. (v.) to converse; to communicate in an orderly fashion; The scientists _______ d on a conference call for just five minutes but were able to solve three major problems. The interviewee _______ d so fluently, she was hired on the spot.

    3. (adj.) quick, changeable, fickle; The _______ youth changed outfits six times before deciding what to wear.

    4. (adj.) wordy; repetitive; unnecessary to the meaning; The _______ lecture of the professor repeated the lesson in the text. Her comments were both _______ and sarcastic. With millions of transactions at stake, the bank built a _______ processing center on a separate power grid.

    5. (adj.) speechless; unable to speak clearly; He was so _______ that he had trouble making himself understood.

    6. (n.) liveliness; spirit; enthusiasm; bubbliness; Her _______ was contagious; she made everyone around her happy. The _______ of champagne is what makes it different from wine.

    7. (adj.) emphasizing minutiae or form in scholarship or teaching; Professor Jones's lectures were so _______ that his students sometimes had a tough time understanding the big picture. It is important to understand _______ terminology before beginning a lecture.

    8. (n.; v.) intense dislike; look down upon; scorn; She showed great _______ toward anyone who did not agree with her. She disdains the very ground you walk upon.

    9. (adj.) poor; having no money; The Great Depression made family after family _______ .

    10. (v.) to call forth; provoke; Seeing her only daughter get married _______ d tears of happiness from the mother. Announcement of the results _______ d a cheer from the crowd.