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1. Placard
spreading by contact, easily spreading from one to another از طریق تماس منتشر می شود ، به راحتی از فردی به فردی سرایت می کند ، مسری a. Scarlet fever is contagious. b. I find that yawning is often contagious. c. Interest in the project was contagious, and soon all opposition to it collapsed.
persons prepared for religious work; clergymen as a group افرادی که برای کار مذهبی آماده می شوند ، مجموعه روحانیون a. We try never to hinder the clergy as they perform their sacred tasks. b. Friar Tuck was a member of the clergy who loved a jolly jest. c. The majority of the clergy felt the new morality was a menace to society.
usual معمول ، مرسوم a. It was customary for wealthy Romans to recline while they were dining. b. The Robin Williams movie received the customary rave reviews from the critics. c. The traitor rejected the customary blindfold for the execution.
a notice to be posted in a public place; poster یک آگهی که باید در مکان عمومی نصب شود ، پوستر a. Colorful placards announced an urgent meeting. b. Placards were placed throughout the neighborhood by rival groups. c. Numerous placards appeared around the city calling for volunteers.
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