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1. Wad
an opinion formed without taking time and care to judge fairly; to harm or injure عقیده ای که بدون زمان و دقت برای قضاوتی عادلانه شکل گرفته است ، آسیب رساندن ، مجروح کردن a. Prejudice against minority groups will linger on as long as people ignore the facts. b. Eliminating prejudice should be among the first concerns of a democracy. c. The witness's weird behavior prejudiced Nancy's case.
person who enters any service of his or her own free will; to offer one's services فردی که با میل شخصی خودش در هر خدمتی وارد شو د، خدمات خود را ارائه دادن a. The draft has been abolished and replaced by a volunteer army. b. Terry did not hesitate to volunteer for the most difficult jobs. c. The boys were reluctant to volunteer their services to help clean up after the dance.
small, soft mass; to roll or crush into a small mass توده نرم و کوچک ، مچاله کردن a. To decrease the effects of the pressure, the diver put wads of cotton in his ears. b. The officer challenged George to explain the wad of fifty dollars which he had in his pocket. c. Because the automatic firing mechanism was defective, the hunter had to wad the powder into the gun by hand.
silent; unable to speak ساکت ، ناتوان در صحبت a. The usually defiant child stood mute before the principal. b. People are no longer willing to remain mute on the subject of abuse of gun control. c. The horror of the famine left the inhabitants of the land mute with their tragic memories.
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