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1. Mythology
greatest amount; greatest possible بیشترین مقدار ، بیشترین مقدار ممکن a. Chris acknowledged that the maximum he had ever walked in one day was fifteen miles. b. We would like to exhibit this rare collection to the maximum number of visitors. c. The committee anticipated the maximum attendance of the first day of the performance.
faithfulness to a person, government, idea, custome, or the like وفاداری به یک شخص ، دولت ، اندیشه ، رسم و غیره a. How can we provide job opportunities for all our graduates? b. Hal said he would bring the ball provided he would be allowed to pitch. c. The government is obligated, among other things, to provide for the common welfare and secure the blessings of peace for all citizens.
legends or stories that ususally attempt to explain something in nature افسانه ها یا داستان هایی که معمولاً تلاش می کنند چیزی را در طبیعت نشان دهند ، اساطیر a. The story of Proserpina and Ceres explaining the seasons is typical of Greek mythology. b. From a study of mythology we can conclude that the ancients were concerned with the wonders of nature. c. Ancient mythology survives to this day in popular expressions such as "Herculean task" or "Apollo Project".
make or become smaller in size, amount or importance کمتر کردن یا کمتر شدن از نظر اندازه ، مقدار یا اهمیت a. The excessive heat diminished as the sun went down. b. Our diminishing supply of food was carefully wrapped and placed with the baggage. c. The latest news from the battlefront confirms the report of diminishing military activity.
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