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1. Loyalty
make or become smaller in size, amount or importance کمتر کردن یا کمتر شدن از نظر اندازه ، مقدار یا اهمیت a. The excessive heat diminished as the sun went down. b. Our diminishing supply of food was carefully wrapped and placed with the baggage. c. The latest news from the battlefront confirms the report of diminishing military activity.
faithfulness to a person, government, idea, custome, or the like وفاداری به یک شخص ، دولت ، اندیشه ، رسم و غیره a. How can we provide job opportunities for all our graduates? b. Hal said he would bring the ball provided he would be allowed to pitch. c. The government is obligated, among other things, to provide for the common welfare and secure the blessings of peace for all citizens.
great pain or sorrow; misfortune; dangerous or difficult situation; to cause pain or make unhappy غم یا درد زیاد ، بد شانسی ، وضعیت خطرناک یا دشوار ، درد یا ناراحتی ایجاد کردن a. The family was in great distress over the accident that maimed Kenny. b. My teacher was distressed by the dismal performance of our class on the final examination. c. Long, unscheduled delays at the station cause distress to commuters.
capable of being injured; open to attack; sensitive to criticism, influences, etc. آسیب پذیر ، در معرض حمله ، حساس به انتقاد ، اثرات و غیره a. Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. b. The investigator's nimble mind quickly located the vulnerable spot in the defendant's alibi. c. A vulnerable target for thieves is a solitary traveler.
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