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1. Estimate
form a judgment or opinion about; guess درباره چیزی اظهار نظر کردن ، حدس زدن a. A.J. Foyt estimated that the auto race would commence at nine o'clock. b. I try to avoid making estimates on things I know nothing about. c. In your estimate, who will be victorious in this conflict?
find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing; figure پی بردن از طریق جمع ، تفریق ، ضرب و تقسیم کردن ، حساب کردن a. The cook had to calculate the number of diners to see whether he could decrease his order for meat. b. In order to see how expensive the car was, the buyer calculated the tax and other charges. c. I used an abacus to calculate my average.
unreasoning fear; fear spreading through a group of people so that they lose control of themselves ترس بی دلیل ، ترسی که در بین گروهی از افرا دفراگیر می شود بگونه ای که کنترل خود را از دست می دهند a. The leader of the lost group appealed to them not to panic. b. When the danger was exaggerated, a few people started to panic. c. The source of panic in the crowd was a man with a gun.
sign or cause of possible evil or harm نشانه یا علت آسیب یا شرارت ممکن ، تهدید a. There is always the horrid threat that my job will be abolished. b. It is absurd to think that a tiny bug could be a threat to a person. c. You can be arrested for making a threat against someone's life.
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