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1. Vast
go into; go through; penetrate وارد شدن ، داخل شدن ، نفوذ کردن a. My sister is debating whether or not to get her ears pierced. b. I tried to ignore his bad violin playing, but the sound was piercing. c. Halloran violently pierced the skin of his rival, causing massive bleeding.
not believe; not be sure of; feel uncertain about; lack of certainty باور نکردن ، مطمئن نبودن از ، احساس اطمینان نکردن ، عدم اطمینان ، تردید کردن a. Scientists doubt that a total cure for cancer will be found soon. b. The question of whether he could survive the winter was left in doubt. c. We don't doubt that the tradition of marriage will continue.
very great; enormous بسیار زیاد ، عظیم a. Daniel Boone explored vast areas that had never been settled. b. Our campus always seems vast to new students. c. Vast differences between the two sides were made clear in the debate.
exactly right as the result of care or pains دقیق ، صحیح ، درست a. Ushers took an accurate count of the people assembled in the theatre. b. Emma's vision was so accurate that she didn't need glasses. c. In writing on the topic, Vergil used accurate information.
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