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1. Journalist
continue firmly; refuse to stop or be changed قاطعانه ادامه دادن ، از توقف یا تغییر امتناع ورزیدن a. The humid weather persisted all summer. b. Would Lorraine's weird behavior persist, we all wondered? c. Lloyd persisted in exaggerating everything he said.
move from one place to another از جایی به جایی نقل مکان کردن ، مهاجرت کردن a. The fruit pickers migrated to wherever they could find work. b. Much of our population is constantly migrating to other areas of the country. c. My grandfather migrated to New York from Italy in 1919.
one who writes for, edits, manages, or produces a newspaper or magazine کسی که برای روزنامه یا مجله مطلب می نویسد ، ویرایش می کند و روزنامه یا مجله ای را تولید یا اداره می کند ، روزنامه نگار a. There were four journalists covering the murder story. b. Barbara's experience working at a book store wasn't adequate preparation for becoming a journalist. c. A journalist must have a comprehensive knowledge of the city where he or she works.
a flash or beam of lightperson who prepares a publication; one who corrects a manuscript and helps to improve it درخشش ، جرقه ای از نور a. A gleam of light shone through the prison window. b. The only source of light in the cellar came in the form of a gleam through a hole in the wall. c. My grandmother gets a gleam in her eyes when she sees the twins.
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