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1. Prohibit
forbid by law or authority قانوناً منع کردن a. Elvin's manager prohibited him from appearing on television. b. Many homeowners prohibit others from walking on their property. c. The law prohibits the use of guns to settle a conflict.
able to be heard قابل سمع a. From across the room, the teacher's voice was barely audible. b. After Len got his new hearing aid, my telephone calls became audible. c. Commands from Ann's drill sergeant were always easily audible.
make dirty آلوده کردن a. The Atlantic Ocean is in danger of becoming polluted. b. There is much evidence to show that the air we breathe is polluted. c. It is claimed that soap powders pollute the water we drink.
demanding immediate action or attention; important اقدام یا توجه فوری را می طلبد ، مهم a. An urgent telephone call was made to the company's treasurer. b. The principal called an urgent meeting to solve the school's numerous problems. c. When he heard the urgent cry for help, the lifeguard did not hesitate.
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