Written questions
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    1. end; finish; decide تمام کردن ، به پایان رساندن تصمیم گرفتن a. Most people are happy when they _______ their work for the day. b. The gloomy day _______ d with a thunderstorm. c. Work on the building could not be _______ d until the contract was signed

    2. be entirely without something; have not enough کاملاً فاقد چیزی بودن ، به اندازه کافی نداشتن a. Your daily diet should not _______ fruits and vegetables. b. His problem was that he _______ ed a variety of talents. c. As an amateur dancer, Vincent knew that he _______ ed the professional touch.

    3. place from which something comes or is obtained مکانی که از آن چیزی نشات می گیرد ، منشا ، مبدا ، سرچشمه a. The college student knew that he needed more than a basic textbook as a _______ for his report. b. The _______ of Buddy's trouble was boredom. c. Professor Smith's speech was a valid _______ of information on chemistry

    4. region near a place; neighborhood منطقه ای نزدیک یک مکان ، همسایگی a. Living in the _______ of New York, Jeremy was near many museums. b. The torrent of rain fell only in our _______ . c. We approached the Baltimore _______ by car.

    5. 100 years یکصد سال ، قرن a. George Washington lived in the eighteenth _______ . b. The United States is more than two centuries old. c. Many prominent men have been born in this _______ .