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1. Proceed
display; show به نمایش گذاشتن ، نشان دادن a. A million-dollar microscope is now on exhibit at our school. b. The bride and groom exhibited their many expensive gifts. c. Kim frequently exhibited her vast knowledge of baseball before complete strangers.
go on after having stopped; move forward پس از توقف ادامه دادن ، پیش رفتن a. Only those with special cards can proceed into the pool area. b. When the actor was late, the show proceeded without him. c. The senator proceeded to denounce those wholesalers who would deprive Americans of their quota of beef.
reasonable; reasonably expected مستدل ، معقول ، منطقی a. It is logical to spend a minimum on needless things. b. In order to keep your car running well, it is only logical that you lubricate it regularly. c. I used a logical argument to persuade Lester to leave.
seldom; not often به ندرت ، نه زیاد a. You rarely hear adults raving about a movie they just saw. b. People are rarely frank with each other. c. I rarely attend the annual meetings of our family circle.
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