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1. Ban
prohibit; forbid ممنوع کردن ، قدغن کردن a. The group unanimously voted to ban all people who were under six feet. b. Health officials are trying to expand their field in order to ban cigarette advertising from newspapers and magazines. c. I want to ban all outsiders from our discussion on security.
a small bite; mouthful; tiny amount گاز کوچک ، به اندازه ی یک دهان ، مقدار بسیار کم a. When Reynaldo went into the restaurant, he pledged to eat every morsel on his plate. b. Suzanne was reluctant to try even a morsel of the lobster. c. If you had a morsel of intelligence, you would be uneasy, too.
find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing; figure پی بردن از طریق جمع ، تفریق ، ضرب و تقسیم کردن ، حساب کردن a. The cook had to calculate the number of diners to see whether he could decrease his order for meat. b. In order to see how expensive the car was, the buyer calculated the tax and other charges. c. I used an abacus to calculate my average.
take in or suck up (liquids); interest greatly جذب کردن یا مکیدن ( مایعات ) ، بسیار علاقه مند کردن a. The sponge absorbed the beer which had leaked from the keg. b. Our bodies must absorb those things which will nourish them. c. I became absorbed in what the teacher was saying and did not hear the bell ring.
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