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1. Circulate
go around; go from place to place or person to person پخش شدن ، از مکانی به مکانی یا از شخصی به شخصی رفتن a. A fan may circulate the air in summer, but it doesn't cool it. b. My father circulated among the guests at the party and made them feel comfortable. c. Hot water circulates through the pipes in the building, keeping the room warm.
closely packed together; thick متراکم ، غلیظ a. The dense leaves on the trees let in a minimum of sunlight. b. We couldn't row because of the dense weeds in the lake. c. His keen knife cut through the dense jungle.
tell beforehand از پیش گفتن ، پیش گویی کردن a. Weathermen can predict the weather correctly most of the time. b. Who can predict the winner of the Superbowl this year? c. Laura thought she could predict what I would do, but she was wrong.
moist; damp مرطوب ، نمناک a. It was so humid in our classroom that we wished the school would buy an air conditioner. b. New Yorkers usually complain in the summer of the humid air. c. Most people believe that ocean air is quite humid.
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