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1. Tact
ability to say the right thing a. My aunt never hurts anyone's feelings because she always uses tact. b. By the use of tact, Janet was able to calm her jealous husband. c. Your friends will admire you if you use tact and thoughtfulness.
not used to something a. Coming from Alaska, Claude was unaccustomed to Florida's heat. b. The king was unaccustomed to having people disobey him. c. Unaccustomed as he was to exercise, Vic quickly became tired.
live in اقامت داشتن در a. Eskimos inhabit the frigid part of Alaska. b. Because Sidney qualified, he was allowed to inhabit the vacant apartment. c. Many crimes are committed each year against those who inhabit the slum area of our city.
sharp; eager; intense; sensitive a. The butcher's keen knife cut through the meat. b. My dog has a keen sense of smell. c. Bill's keen mind pleased all his teachers.
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